Monday, 4 November 2013

Moustache Party - part 2

At the end of October we celebrate my oldest daughter, my son and mother-in-law's birthdays altogether with a big family party.  It's a great way to get all the generations together for some food and fun.
I always plan lots of games and activities. It makes for a lot of LOUD CHAOS, but it's just good old fashioned fun!

The theme from Jamie's party continued with moustaches.  I was able to find a package or self-adhesive moustaches of various styles at one of the newly opened Target stores for only $1.00.  I was so excited about that so I put out two packages for people to put on.  They got a bit hot and sweat and uncomfortable after a while, but they were soooo funny on everyone. They made for some great photos!

Also since my son's birthday is on Halloween, our family always dresses up and we encourage our guests to do the same!
 Our family party is not for the faint of heart, but you're sure to leave with your ears ringing, having laughed a lot , and with a belly full of food! :)

We have awesome family that go all out with their costumes and get right into party spirit!
This is grandma and Auntie Amanda posing with my son Aiden.

My three crazy, amazing offspring.

This is our crazy family all dressed up and ready to paaaartaaaay!

 Me and the hubsters.  He's such a good sport and such a big help on pulling these parties together for our families.

My niece showing off one of those awesome self-adhesive moustaches from Target, and Jamie (my daughter)  using one of the moustaches props I made for the photo booth.

Oh man, this makes it all worth while. My DH and son posing with moustache props. This pic made me laugh so hard!

 My beautiful sister and her partner, Aleem being good sports and getting their 'stache on.

You know you married the right man when.... hahahahaha you can rock awesome 'staches together. 

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